We’ve been surprised and saddened by some of the resistance patients have encountered from doctors about the new medications. There’s still a lot of stigma around obesity and some view these injections as ‘cheating’, as though those who are overweight need to be punished and to suffer in their pursuit of a healthy weight. Yet we don’t apply this logic to other problems people have – no one says the same about nicotine replacement therapy for smokers, for example. Being on weight loss medication isn’t a quick fix – patients still need to put in effort and work on ensuring long-term change to their relationship with food. But for many people who have battled with their weight it really does help them shed the pounds. It can give them the kick-start they need to address their weight and take up regular exercise and healthy eating. We believe passionately that for many people this medication will be a life-saver, literally. No one should feel shamed or made to feel guilty for trying to improve their health and well-being, however they choose to do it.
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